We love the quirky, charming style of retro themed items here at The Orchard. It’s an ever-popular trend which, fittingly, never seems to go out of fashion. On television, programmes such as Mad Men and Boardwalk Empire ooze class and cool via their respective 60s and 20s/30s settings and imagery. Classically designed ‘diner style’ restaurants are in vogue, with Jamie Oliver’s Holborn restaurant, Union Jacks, adding a British twist to the iconic all-American look. Closer to home (for us anyway!), The Vintage Fair visited Leicester on Saturday, and turned the city’s Cathedral into a classic bustling bazaar, with many a keen-eyed visitor leaving with bargains in hand.
The Orchard buzzwords, ‘Pretty & Practical’, are perfectly encapsulated by the very point of retro. ‘Old looking’ items which are bang up to date because of their usefulness as well as their appearance – perfect! We stock a number of products which can provide your home with an injection of retro chic.
Pop over to www.theorchardhomeandgifts.com for our full range.